
Details About Auto Mechanic Certifications

Details About Auto Mechanic Certifications

While we all love our vehicles, we don’t love when they need repairs. Vehicle repair can be time-consuming, expensive, and can provide many headaches. In addition, sometimes auto repair services can be frustrating to deal with. While these experts claim to be professionals in the field, sometimes their service is subpar. However, if a car owner chooses to work with a repair shop with many reputable certifications, they can have peace of mind knowing that their vehicle is in good hands. However, it’s important to understand the different types of certifications out there, in addition to understanding why it’s important to choose a certified vehicle mechanic. See below to find information on the key certifications to look out for, in addition to the benefits of choosing a certified auto technician:

Types of Mechanic Certifications

Most auto mechanic certifications fall under the Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) line of certifications. These are the industry standard for determining the level of expertise for vehicle mechanics. Obtaining one of these certifications involves taking a paid, computer-based exam at a monitored testing location. It’s important to note that these ASE certifications are divided into a few different parts depending on the vehicle type: cars, trucks, buses, and secondary systems. The tests involved cover a wide range of comprehensive automobile services designed for the modern day mechanic. For each vehicle type, there are eight different core certifications involved under ASE standards. These all cover basic automotive service for maintenance and repair, and they’re classified as A1-A8. These eight different ASE certifications include:
  • A1 Engine Repair
  • A2 Automatic Transmission/Transaxle
  • A3 Manual Drive Train and Axles
  • A4 Suspension and Steering
  • A5 Brakes
  • A6 Electrical/Electronic Systems
  • A7 Heating and Air Conditioning
  • A8 Engine Performance
The “A” before the number relates to the section involved with the tests (cars in this example). Section T is for trucks, H is for transit buses, and S is for school buses that don’t have air conditioning.

Master Tech Certification

After passing all eight of the core certifications in section A, then the mechanic is eligible to take the ASE Masters Certification test. However, different vehicle types have different requirements on which prerequisites are needed, so be sure to research this for more information. Once this test is passed, it proves that the technician is a highly-skilled automotive professional, which can help raise salaries and can even lead to landing that dream job.

Benefits of Choosing a Certified Mechanic

When looking for an auto mechanic, it’s best to choose one that has one or more of these ASE certifications. However, depending on the vehicle needs for service, checking to see if they are certified in that specific area is best practice for receiving top-notch service. From vehicle electrical repairs to any other vehicle repair, Southside Auto Repair is here for your specific needs. For unbeatable auto repair services, call us today at (859) 359-8412. Sources

Written by Developer Autoshop